

Primary Care 

Primary Care

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Illnesses and Diseases
  • Physicals for Work, Sports and School
  • Flu Shots and Other Immunizations
  • Covid-19 Screening and Vaccinations
  • Preventative Care
  • Same Day Sick Care

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, here is a link which shows birthing-friendly hospitals and health systems in the surrounding area. Any obstetrical patient should attempt to go to a birthing friendly facility. Birthing-Friendly Location Information and Map

Please bear with us as we are constructing a fully searchable provider database. You will find information about your favorite doctors, counselors, and providers in the new system.

Flexible scheduling that includes evening hours, timely response to questions, consistently updating knowledge of diagnoses, medications, natural ways to assist…so far, I have received ALL of this, and so much more, since switching to the  Chautauqua Center.

Amy Pace